Wednesday 16 November 2011

10 Things You Should and Shouldn't Do on Facebook

Oh jeez. Since Facebook opened its doors to non Ivy-leagers, everyone from Radar to your Mom is coming out with 'Netiquette guides that tell users how to act right while Facebooking.

London's Independent just came out with another such guide, which tells us things that we already know but wish certain-people-who-shall-remain-nameless would figure out. Below is a summary with some added insights from Switched. 
1. Avoid TMI (Too much information). Listing every band you ever liked makes you seem desperate, and apparently people will send you weird ads. This has never happened to us, but we like to keep it simple.

2. Don't put up pictures of your friends looking busted. They'll untag them, and it will make you look less attractive by association. 

3. Dads and aunties and bosses and all sorts of awkward people are now on Facebook. You may want to tailor your profile accordingly.

4. Size does matter. Or does it? The Independent says that having a lot of friends on FB makes you seem more popular. Whatev. We don't really notice how many friends our Facebook friends have, unless it's something extreme. 

To us, having few FB friends means you probably don't use Facebook that much (making you kind of cool) or just joined, and too many means you may be a compulsive friender who needs to step off. Either way we don't care so much.

5. Leaving gross wall postings is also looked down upon. If in doubt, just use the message feature and save yourself the public humiliation of having your friend and the world read your douchy ramblings.

6. Also: We totally hate the "how do you know this person?" feature. 
So unnecessary. Three words: "skip this step."

7. You don't have to friend everyone you've ever met. Some people use Facebook in this way, but we opt to friend only people we actually want to continue interacting with.

8. You don't have to accept friend requests. We usually do it, mostly out of guilt, rejecting only when the request comes from someone egregiously wretched or someone we don't know at all. But you don't have to!
Often we just leave undesirables in friend request limbo, neither accepting or denying their propositions. Or do whatever. It's just Facebook.

9. Step off with the application requests! Only send the ones that are absolutely necessary, the awesomest thing you've ever seen, etc. We don't care, at all, what shape cocktail glass we are, we don't want a shot, we don't want to compare our favorite 'Hills' characters. No, no, and no. 

10. You can de-friend people. 
We realized this after reading another blog post about Facebook. We deleted the people who send us daily group invitations and wack applications, plus some random kids we met like one time. 

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